Gabrielle Feldhordt  


As a student of an International Business Bachelor, Gabrielle Feldhordt has had already made first advancements into business innovation.

As The Change’s/our current Business Development Intern she has been involved in the development of various companies and industries.

Her main focus is to expand businesses and help German companies in particular to gain the so-called Forschungzulage (FZulG) as the first step into the Innovation Journey with The Change.

Position –

Business Development Intern

Greatest Success –

International Business Student.

Greatest Challenge –

Always wanting to strive to do the best and do beyond my current abilities.

Definition of Success –

Success is understanding that you control your destiny.

Favourite Quote

“There’s a way to do it better. Find it.”

Thomas A. Edison

Favourite Book

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman A book that will transform the way you take decisions and experience the world.

Like to check this book out for yourself?


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